To become a part of the Stimul fitness club team, our trainers were rigorously selected. We have a program of internal trainings and seminars, which provides an inflow of new knowledges, as well as regular attestations are held to confirm the professional level of each team member. All this allows to guarantee your result. The personal trainer service is available in all areas of our fitness club: Gym, TRX, Yoga, Pilates, Step, etc.

a personal trainer
Fitness classes or workouts in the gym will be more productive if you have a personal trainer. First of all, a personal trainer cares about the safety and health of the client. He controls the technically correct execution of exercises, adjusts the sequence and strength of the loads, which helps to prevent possible injuries and achieve the desired effect. A personal trainer will always be able to make individual recommendations on nutrition and daily regime. Three months of work with a personal trainer will replace you a year of self training. Individual workouts with a trainer contribute to fast progress and high-quality results!
Trainer Advantages.
A personal trainer in the gym helps to solve many problems for you. Based on the selected goals, anthropometric data (height, weight, age, structural features), the presence of chronic diseases, general physical and psychological readiness for sports loads, trainer creates a special program, which will lead you to the desired result. The cost of workouts with a personal trainer in the fitness club Stimul depends on category of coach.
Work Experience: 2 years

Work Experience: 2 years

Experience 4 years.
Sports Experience: 6 years
Work Experience: 5 years

Sports Experience: 5 years
Work Experience: 2 years

Work Experience: 5 years

Certificate of Balance-Yoga Trainer from V.Malinovskaya Kharkov School, 2017
Participant of V.Boyko seminar “Yoga Universal” 2013, Yoga-Fest 2016 participant. Participant of Egor Kulakovsky’s Yoga-Temple master classes. Possession of the technique of psychological and bodily relaxation, Yoga-Nidra.
Sports Experience: 9 years
Work Experience: 5 years

Sports Experience: 7 years
Work Experience: 5 years

- Workshop of Olga Vyazmetinova - 2013 Fitness Bikini Worl’s Champion, Absolute Champion of Olympia Amateur Europe-2014
- Workshop of Kirill Khudaev - three-time absolute champion of Ukraine, Champion of Olympia Amateur 2017.
Sports Experience: 4 years
Work Experience: 2 years

for a Personal Trainer
Discount for Gym and Universal cards
Stimul Universal Card
-10% discount for schoolchildren / students / for friends starting from 2 persons
per month

Stimul Gym Card
-10% discount for schoolchildren / students / for friends starting from 2 persons
per month

Stimul Fit Card
per 10 classes

Stimul Family Card
Gym for a month for two
Gym + 10 workouts for two